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ASI Torque 09 Retaining Compound MIL-R-46082B-50ML

HB Fuller ASI Torque 09 Retaining Compound MIL-R-46082B-50ML

ASI Torque 09 Retaining Compound MIL-R-46082B-50ML - Image 1 of 0
ASI Torque 09 Retaining Compound MIL-R-46082B-50ML - Image 2 of 0
ASI Torque 09 Retaining Compound MIL-R-46082B-50ML - Image 1 of 0
ASI Torque 09 Retaining Compound MIL-R-46082B-50ML - Image 2 of 0
ASI Torque 09 Retaining Compound MIL-R-46082B-50ML - Image 1 of 0
ASI Torque 09 Retaining Compound MIL-R-46082B-50ML - Image 2 of 0

ASI Torque 09 RC Low Viscosity Retaining Compound MIL-R-46082B, Type I (alternative to Loctite 609 & 675) -50 ML

HB Fuller - Adhesive Systems, INC
All products shipped with manufacturer certificates!
Product Code: RC09-31
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Torque 09 RC Low Viscosity Retaining Compound
MIL-R-46082B, Type I
General purpose, low viscosity retaining compound. Fixtures in under 10 minutes, providing shear strength up to 3,800 psi, works well on similar and dissimilar metals. Temperature resistance to 350° F.

Torque Retaining Compound Specifications

Color: Green
Viscosity: 125 cps
Gap Fill: .005"
Shear Strenght Steel/Stell: 3800 psi
Temperature Range: -65 to 350° F
Cure Speed (Fixture/Full): 15 Minutes/8 Hours
Specific Gravity: 1.10

The Torque Retaining Series is engineered to greatly increase the shear strength of cylindrical, non threaded assemblies. These products fill the inner space and surface irregularities between the parts forming a tough, durable polymer, that creates a unitized, strong, precision assembly, preventing corrosion. They are single component, solvent free compounds that are ready to use right from the bottle, or can be easily automated. The Torque Retaining Series is formulated in a wide range of viscosities, gap filling ability, cure times and strength characteristics. This technology greatly enhances the reliability and performance properties of the finished assembly. Even in the best press fit application there is only 20 to 30 percent actual metal contact between the surfaces.

The Torque Retaining Series fills all the voids between the parts increasing the overall strength of the assembly by 2 to 3 times that of the original press fit. Other retaining and locking devices can be eliminated such as keyways, set screws, splines, tapers, knurls, etc. Machining tolerances can be relaxed lowering the cost of the assembly and simplifying the assembly process. Improved quality, reliability, cost effectiveness, ease of use, are just a few of the many benefits the Torque Retaining Series brings to improve the manufacturing techniques in your assembly applications.
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