eOx Aircraft Cleaner (AC)
eOx Aircraft Cleaner (AC) is a specialty product for the aviation industry. eOx AC is suitable for external and internal cleaning of virtually all metal and/or painted surfaces. eOx Aircraft Cleaner completely removes difficult substances such as hydraulic oil, grease, carbon, brake dust and dirt safely and easily.
eOx is a non-toxic ultra-low VOC cleaner developed in Europe over 30 years ago. eOx allows your business to comply with environmental regulations while still cleaning and degreasing effectively and economically.
Unlike other cleaners that only remove surface contamination, eOx AC removes chemicals and dirt from the grain of the paint thus making it look new and extending its useful life. eOx AC conforms to Boeing D6-17487, Douglas CSD #1, AMS 1525B and AMS 155A.
- Non-toxic
- Non-flammable
- Non-hazardous - Not subject to dangerous goods regulations.
- No phosphates, acids or silicones
- High biodegradability (tested by the University of Ghent, Belgium)
- Very economical to use.
- Contains no phosphates, acids, silicones and is non-butyl.
- Safe to use on all surfaces including metal, plastic & rubber materials with no stock loss.
- Fast, intense cleaning action surpasses other cleaners’ performance.
- Cleaned surfaces become slightly antistatic and corrosion inhibitive for up to 4 weeks.
- Can be effective used as a spray-on & wipe-off process.
- Safe for use in high-pressure washers, immersion systems and ultrasonic machines.
- Fresh smell – NOT citrus
eOx AC can be used in either wet wash or dry wash aircraft cleaning applications. It can also be used to clean smaller parts in an ultrasonic cleaning tank.
eOx products only require protective coveralls, gloves and safety glasses. No respirator is necessary.
eOx Benefits
- Reduce man-hours associated with cleaning by up to 33%
- Reduced aircraft down time by up to 47%
- Reduced chemical usage by up to 55%
- Reduced operating cost:
- A cleaner plane = lower drag = less fuel = $avings
- A cleaner plane = lighter plane = less fuel = $avings
- Extend paint life
- Improved company image
Commercial Aircraft Savings / Aircraft / Year
Who Is Using eOX?
Shelf Life2-years
Do not store under 35°F/2C and not above 122°F/50C. Do not use below 35°F/2C.
Properties- NFPA Hazard Class: Health 0 (as used)
- Flammability 0
- Reactivity 0
- VOC: < 1 g/L (as used)
- pH: 12.9 (concentrate)
- Flash point: None